About Me

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Nice to meet you! My name is Marco, I'm a IT graduation and Full-Stack Developer borned in Minas Gerais, Brazil. I am very passionate about technology and everything that surrounds it. From gadgets to software, I am always up-to-date on the latest trends and advancements in the tech industry. Coding is my absolute favorite thing to do! It is a way for me to express my creativity while at the same time - solving problems. I am always looking for new challenges to test my skills and develop myself in finding solutions for different coding problems.

I am a solution-oriented person, always looking for ways to improve processes and create more efficient solutions. Wherever it's a minor coding issue or a larger project, I am enthusiastic about tackling challenges head-on and finding the best possible solution. Researching new technologies and discovering new ideas is something that I enjoy doing in my daily life. I love exploring new possibilities and figuring out how to apply new concepts to my work. My keen eye for details comes in handy while I am trying to understand complex ideas or working on perfecting my code.


As a self-taught Full-Stack Developer, I love learning new skills every day. I discovered my passion for web development on studies and enjoy using the latest technologies to create user-friendly websites. I started with React, then learned Styled Components on a course, after, I discovered Next/Tailwind and how Next is easy to connect with server. Knewking that, I learned Prisma.






Tailwind CSS



